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As part of my brands' social engagement, I've come up with a way to make my merch an employment opportunity for SMEs in South Africa.​


The idea came when I staged "A Feather on the Breath of God" on the Makhanda National Arts Festival in June / July 2018. I wanted a memento that audience members could buy to remind them of both the performance event & my brand.​Enter Munya & Tendai, a Zimbabwean Father & Son creative duo who were creating the most beautiful metal weaver birds with bright yellow tummies & unique personalities, by The Arch, Makhanda. ​I commissioned them to produce & paint a set number of birds & sold them for only a R20 mark up. So this was not a money-making scheme for me, but a way to reach out, & give back to creativity & South Africa by employing individuals.​


My dream is to establish a nationwide network of crafters where, depending on the centre in which I perform or the country from whence I receive an order, I can commission a specific team to make & post Forest Weaver birds to the customer. ​


This dream can only become a reality, however, with orders. So if you're looking for some metal birds for your garden, or something quirky to decorate your house, please do consider ordering a Forest Weaver bird!​


You will receive a document introducing you to the team who made your birds, as well as a cost breakdown for the purposes of transparency.


Custom birds designed and painted by local SMEs country-wide. Price doesn't include shipping / courier fee.

Forest Weaver Birds

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