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The name "Forest Weaver" comes from a mustard-tummied songbird which flits from branch to branch in South African indigenous forests. This bird is known for singing crystal clear, piercingly high notes that stand out above the usual orchestra of birdsong, despite its small stature.​


Known online as The Forest Weaver, the South African & foreign-born Irish songbird holds two opera degrees from Rhodes University with Distinction in Music: a BA (Second Major in Drama), & HonsBA. Both were completed at Rhodes University South Africa, under the bel canto training of Miss Jo-Nette Le Kay. Reaching Fulbright semi-finals, Emma received ten music scholarships & several awards including a SAMRO Bursary & Rhodes-Investec Top100 Award.

She staged two successful shows at the Grahamstown/Makhanda National Arts Festival: Opera Found (2017 – Standard Bank Encore Ovation Award) & A Feather on the Breath of God (2018 – Arena Production). The latter showcased the works of ten female WAM composers, spanning seven hundred years of music history. Upon graduating, she had sung the full & partial roles of Soprano for Faurè Requiem, Alcina, Adele, Despina, Susanna, Lakmé, Cleopatra and Olympia.

After graduating, 2019 saw her stage ten concerts with notable South African musicians like James Grace, Christopher Duigan, Lara Kirsten, Ilse Myburgh, David Orr & Nigel Fish. She was also cast by PAMS as Soprano in Handel’s Messiah, under the baton of Botes Gresse.

Predominantly coaching voices in the time of COVID-19, she also curated several digital performances, most notably Herstory; a twice ConcertsSA-sponsored eConcert-documentary on Female WAM Composers. She was honoured to perform for Her Late Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations at The Royal Show 2022, with the KZN Youth Orchestra.

Emigrating to Ireland in 2023, she is completing a part-time, online MA in Music & Digital Humanities with The Open University UK. In February 2024, she entered three of the Newpark Academy of Music Competitions, where she received three Certificates of Very/High Commendation , & tied for 3rd place for a Baroque aria. In March, she won the Féile Luimnigh Corn Mhichíl Ó Ceallacháin Operatic Solo, & by year's end had competed as a Quarter-Finalist in the Ebe Stignani International Singing Competition; staged a Lunch Hour Concert & a Council-sponsored Musicoetry Event; & was selected to sing with Sestina Music in their Next Generation Mentoring Programme Stage 1.  She continues to coach, compete, audition for opera companies & perform, whilst remotely furthering her Soprano development with her supervisor of seven years, Margaret Bowen.


October 31st, 2024

Every few years, a singer is lucky enough to be approached with a performance request that powerfully reminds them why they stepped onto the path in the first place. Such was the case with the Sawhain Musicoetry Gig that I was asked to curate at Quay Books Limerick, sponsored by Limerick City and County Council (Night Time Economy Sponsorship).


Birdcall, hand chimes, poetry, aria, art & folk song all came together to tell a haunting tale of what it means to be a transnational subject.


Audience members said:


''You were hypnotic. I couldn't stop watching you, and I didn't want it to end!''


''Where your South Africanness ends and your Irishness begins ... That's a very interesting conversation to be having with yourself and with us.''

Quay Books Audience Members


March 1st, 2024

I competed in the Féile Luimnigh Corn Mhichíl Ó Ceallacháin For Operatic Solo. I was pleased to win the Competition, adjudicated by stellar Irish Soprano, Colette Delahunt:


Ritorna Vincitor - "some wonderful work on your Italian, and you are giving us such a palette of colours ... you made some very impressive transitions in vocal tone and emotional impact. You are totally invested in this character and her motivations ... An excellent performance, technically and artistically".








Colette Delahunt, Féile Luimnigh

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May 28, 2019

"Farquharson's performances never fail to impress, & for a woman of such small stature, she has a powerful voice. Her raven hair & dancing green eyes compliment her classic looks" - Advert for An Evening Soiree at Garlington







Trish Beaver, The Witness

Photo by Alvaro Deza_Music, taken outside St Mary's Cathedral Limerick

October 8th, 2024

For my Limerick Debut, my pianist Irina Dernova and I staged a Lunch Hour Concert in the Oldest Building in use in Ireland - St Mary's Cathedral.


In attendance were a school group, who wrote:


''It was an experience they won't forget''.


Another audience member complimented my vocal showcase, and also said ''You are such an actress!''

St Mary's Cathedral Audience Members


February 17th, 2024

I competed in the Newpark Academy of Music Festival Competition adjudicated by stellar Irish Soprano, Lynda Lee:


Porgi Amor - "Very good voice with a strong tone ... Very poised performance, especially in the long intro, not easy!"


Zueignung & Cäcilie - "You are definitely a Strauss Singer".


Redeemer - "You gave us a truly beautiful opening phrase! ... a wonderful poise, both while singing and just as importantly, when you are not singing. This was your best singing today ... I heard lots of new shading and colours".








Lynda Lee, Newpark Academy of Music


June, 2018

"for the vocal spectacle in this superlative presentation [...] Farquharson's operatic excellence, accompanied by Caleb Vaughn-Jones on cello and Nina Van Schoor on piano, makes for an auditory treat [...] this Rhodes University music student displayed impeccable vocal technique - control that completely mesmerized the audience. A Feather ... Review, Weekend Post



Sboniso Thombeni, Weekend Post


May, 2024

At the Irish National Opera - TUD Conservatoire Répétiteur Workshop, I was complimented on my brave choices, my emotional responsiveness to both lied/tonadilla and arias, and my powerful top notes.

INO-TUD Coaches / Director


November, 2019

"Top-class soloists [...] the PAMS Messiah was highly inspirational  & uplifting [...] while someone could not say enough about soprano Emma Farquharson's angelic sweet voice" 








The Maritzburg Sun


May 28, 2018

"Anyone with an appreciation of music will love the emotive and talented performance of Emma Farquharson. She is striking on stage and has a voice that is hauntingly beautiful". 



Mad about the Midlands blog


September, 2017

"Her stunning voice was instantly mesmerising as she began to sing"​ - Opera Found Review




Jon Houzet, Talk of The Town

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July 14, 2017

"lucky people who get to hear a rising star just as she's reaching out to grab the sparkle [...]​ Showing not the slightest sign of stage fright and oozing confidence  Emma sang faultlessly ... this young lady will go far in her chosen operatic career" - Opera Found NAF Review

Peter Grist, The Announcer 

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